About EnRichmbs

Introducing Mel Pross

on her journey to 'Enrich mind, body & spirit'

welcome, and thank you for joining me for this little escape

...where you’ll find my treasured collection of videos, poetry, inspirational messages, intuitive art, meditations and other resources to enrich mind, body & spirit.

All of these came about during an explosion of creativity, lucid visions and personal revelations following a period of deep healing - it was an incredible time!

And EnRichmbs was born!

How did all this happen? Well, that requires a little peek into my life journey so far…

As a young, sensitive child, I was often drawn to natural environments – day dreaming and gazing at wildlife and the sky. I would often find myself questioning -

What is life?  What is consciousness?  What is... 'IS'?  

What followed was a passion for researching, exploring and learning anything I could about nature, psychology, reality and the Universe.

Years later, I went through a period of deep, self-review, following trauma, which included daily meditations and long, solitary treks through countryside.

I knew I needed to tap into many of the skills and knowledge I had acquired throughout my life in order to heal.

What happened next was amazing!

My inquisitive mind came alive again!

I regained my intense love of nature, but from a much deeper perspective – with a true sense of connection to all things.

I was reminded of who I truly am!

As I grew stronger and more enriched, I began documenting my experiences by taking photographs… and writing! 

As the volume increased, I decided to put together a collection of my poetry and photographs - and my book, 'HUSH And Other Poems' was created.  

Another surprising development

...as I continued to meditate deeply and to heal, was the greater sense of intuition and heightened perception that followed - lucid dreams and visions with powerful meanings.  These led to an urge to paint what I now call my intuitive art (I had never painted before).  Looking back at my art now, I can see how it literally expresses a timeline of my healing journey.

See the link to this art as a slideshow on the Home Page. 

These visions also led to an influx of inspirational messages, which I felt compelled to write down.  I have now collected these quotes together and combined them with my photography to create my own deck of cards, called 'Quotos',. These are now available to purchase, and you can also find my video pick-a-card readings on You Tube, #melsmessageoftheday.

You can find the links to these, and many other EnRichmbs resources, on the Home Page.

To find out more about my healing journey, you are welcome to follow 'Mel's Journey' on Facebook and You Tube.

EnRichmbs continues to grow

...with the intention of helping others through sharing healing techniques, positivity and love.

It's a real pleasure to have you join EnRichmbs - and I hope that you find my story and my resources a joy, a comfort and an inspiration.

With much love,

Mel x